Thursday 3 May 2007

What a day........

Did you ever have one of those days.... the weather is really warm which is not a complaint as such, except when you are feeling a little under the weather and I wont go on, just trust me on it , it hasnt been the greatest day I have had.

The one really productive thing I did get on was to purchase the batting and the boarder fabric for my quilt....wahoooo..... Cathi accompanied me with kids in toe to the Limerick Quilt centre and as well as purchasing the beautiful red fabric for my quilt , I bought a cutting mat and a measuring square ( there is probably a quilting term for the implement and I will be corrected later) .

Watch this space for my very first completed quilt


Tracy said...

Hope you're feeling better soon...Looking forward to seeing you quilt!

Briana E. said...

What a beautiful quilt. I have to pace myself craft wise, so I haven't ventured into making quilts yet. I'll admire your's for now. I'm drowning in fiber and beads as it is!